LESSON PLANS SUMMER TERM 2024 (1st half) Lesson 4: Landscape painting from last lesson's drawing.
In the last lesson I asked my students to reduce a landscape image to its simplest shapes - the shapes which describe distance and give...

Lovely work today from Friday's group...
....drawing the shapes that describe distance and making the drawing from which a painting will evolve. There's no class next Friday so...

Great to see today's drawings emerge...
...ready for next week's watercolours - wonderful results from Thursday's group.

Great drawings today from Wednesday's group...
...landscape drawing - editing the image for a watercolour next week.

A really enjoyable day's workshop today...
...called 'still-life in the context of the room'. I put a large jar with two sticks on each table and asked the students to bring a...

LESSON PLANS SUMMER TERM 2024 (1st half) Lesson 3: Simplifying a landscape, making the drawing.
In this lesson I'm asking my students to make a drawing of a landscape specifically for a certain way of working with watercolour next...

Lovely to see the variety of work from Friday's group...
...wonderful results working from the soft drawings - and various projects people had brought from home.

Lovely work from Thursday's group from last week's drawings.
...some working on the interpretation of the soft drawings and some catching up with their drawings. Lovely work today.

lovely afternoon interpreting the 'soft' drawings from last week...
...with great results from Wednesday's group, including some projects people brought from home. Good work today.

LESSON PLANS SUMMER TERM 2024 (1st half) Lesson 2: Interpreting the soft drawing ( from last week).
Last week my students made three very different styles of drawing on the same subject. On this lesson I'm asking them to take the second...